Bench Sponsorship Program

Bench at Monocacy Aqueduct. Photo by Nicholas Clements.

The C&O Canal Trust’s Bench Sponsorship Program allows the C&O Canal National Historical Park (NHP) to enhance visitors’ experience in the Park by providing benches for rest and relaxation, while supporting other beautification projects in the Park. Since 2015, the Trust has collaborated with the C&O Canal Association to install 108 benches in the Park – made possible through the generosity of Trust donors.

A meaningful way to make a gift, sponsoring a bench in the Park provides a place for visitors to rest and reflect upon the beauty of the Park. The Bench Sponsorship Program also supports a range of beautification projects that help to preserve the Park and engender a love of this treasured, historical resource into the future. Whether taking a break from a bicycle ride on the towpath, looking for a quiet place to sit and read, or photographing the natural beauty of the Park, benches provide just the right touch to enhance the experience of Park visitors.

We have reached capacity for new bench installations for 2025. We are now accepting requests for 2026 sponsorship of existing benches and new bench installations.

Please contact our development team at [email protected] with any questions.

Interactive Map of Benches in the Park

Top image by Nicholas Clements

Middle images (from left to right) by Katie Rapp, Francis Grant-Suttie, and Paul Graunke