Popular Crossing
By Ranger Geoff
Edwards Ferry is a good place for ghost stories, not only in the dead of night, but also as the morning mists rise off the river or the autumn sunset lights the very tops of the sycamores. The boatmen thought so. This part of the canal was known as "Haunted House Bend." I'm not sure why they named it after a house, but there certainly were plenty of people who have said they've seen spirits around this bend.
In October of 1861, Union troops were driven down the infamous Ball's Bluff into the river on the other side of Harrison's Island. Some of their bodies floated downstream all the way to Washington, DC. Imagine being a lockkeeper or boatman and hearing the gunfire over the wooded hills, and then watching the dark shapes float by in the river before ever learning the particulars of battle. News spread a bit differently than it does today.
Boatmen in later years reported hearing strange noises in these parts, including blood-curdling screams and moans. They'd say mules passing through became restless and spooked. I'd always assumed this was just the result of two or three generations of campfire stories and older siblings working on the minds of young muletenders, but I found similar tales in the diary of a Maine soldier. He reported that his company's pickets heard unearthly noises from the rocky shores and woods, only one year after the battle.
Many people have passed by here over the years. Some might have passed by more than once. Some report seeing a red-bearded man and an African American woman. However, on second glance, they would be gone. Trick of the light? Perhaps.
Edwards Ferry holds a lot of history. Long used as a safe place to cross the Potomac River, the community was bustling just a century ago. Going back to the 1830s, the area was packed with immigrants digging the canal with gunpowder and manual labor. At that time, poor hygiene, cholera, and accidents were the norm, and thousands were buried along the canal in unmarked graves. Before that, we know the Conoys, Piscataway Indians, lived nearby on Harrison's Island. Recent park archaeological studies have shown us that people have lived in this area continuously for hundreds, if not thousands of years.
Many ghost stories start with the disclaimer that "I never believed in ghosts, until..." Perhaps the canal's ghosts are best encountered in person, by the edge of the woods, lit fitfully by a dying campfire or in the stone walls of an old house. At Turtle Creek hiker-biker campsite, or the Lockhouse 25 Canal Quarters site, where you can spend a night in a historic lockhouse, you can now meet them on their own ground. Welcome to Haunted House Bend.
- General Gorman’s Brigade arriving at Edwards Ferry for the start of General Stone’s demonstration prior to the Battle of Balls Bluff, October 20, 1861. Credit: Library of Congress
- In the Spring of 1876, E.E. Jarboe was allowed to to operate a grocery and feed store at Lock 25. The walls of Jarboe’s Store still stands just off the towpath at Lock 25. Credit: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
- A lockkeeper and his family in more peaceful times. Credit: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
- During the 1950s, the government allowed Lockhouse 25 to be used by personnel from the Maryland Game and inland Fish Commission. Credit: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
- After the park was established, Lockhouse 25 at Edwards Ferry was preserved by shuttering the windows to allow air circulation and security and the surrounding vegetation was cleared. Credit: W. Williams, Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park
- The stabilized ruins of Jarboe’s Store, one of many businesses to serve the canal community. Credit: Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park

Goose Creek River Lock
Milepost 30.6

Whites Ferry
Milepost 35.5

Battle of Balls Bluff

Turtle Run Hiker-Biker
Milepost 34.4

Broad Run Trunk
Milepost 31.9

Lockhouse 25
Milepost 30.9