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Since 2013, the C&O Canal National Historical Park (NHP) has engaged thousands of K-12 students through Canal Classrooms, an experiential education program in hotspot areas of the Park including Great Falls, Williamsport, and Cumberland. Led by a committed group of retired educators known as the Canal Classroom Corps (CCC), the program is built on STEAM-based curricula (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math). To date, nearly 70,000 students have participated in Canal Classrooms, including many who are economically disadvantaged and attend Title 1 schools.

Photo by Alice Mayio

Canal Classrooms runs through the spring and fall semesters, from March to May and September to November. During the year, participating K-12 students can expect to be fully immersed in experiential learning that focuses on the historical and natural resources found in the C&O Canal NHP. The curriculum includes topics such as Weathering & Erosion, Dendrology, Transportation History, Immigrant History, Environmental Education, and Plant Identification. Because much of the program is held at one of the visitor center locations (Great Falls, Williamsport, and Cumberland), students are provided with hands-on learning experiences – including canal boat rides and Meet the Mule activities.

While Canal Classrooms has returned to its pre-pandemic participation levels, there was a time when the National Park Service was not welcoming students for in-person activities. Canal Classroom Corps teachers led virtual programs to help bridge this gap. In addition to this, funding for the program also supported the purchase of interpretive supplies and resources that are included in Canal Explorer backpacks. These backpacks are filled with items, such as reading materials about plants, weather, and water cycles, binoculars, a compass, games, and more. Since the return to pre-pandemic participation, Canal Explorer backpacks have become a staple part of the Canal Classroom program. Last year, 75 backpacks were distributed to elementary schools in Montgomery County.

Photo by Trust Staff

As the Park’s official nonprofit partner, the C&O Canal Trust works to provide support for Canal Classrooms. In 2023, through the generosity of donors, the Trust raised nearly $30,000. Funding for Canal Classrooms helps to support materials as well as the needs of the dedicated CCC teachers. Grants and donations made to the C&O Canal Trust for Canal Classrooms directly support program expenses, such as transportation, teacher training workshops, curriculum development, and teacher stipends.

This year, at the C&O Canal Trust’s Park After Dark annual fundraising gala, the paddle-raise funding priority will feature Canal Classrooms. Support for the program relies heavily on the philanthropy of our canal community and will enable the Park to provide critical education programs to more school children each year.