Kids to Parks Day is a national day of outdoor play celebrated annually on the third Saturday of May. The day connects kids and families with their local, state, and national parks and public lands through thousands of park events that promote discovery and exploration in the great outdoors.
Join the C&O Canal Trust for fun and educational activities at Fletchers Cove. Explore a wild, diverse world that may be brand-new to you or might feel like part of your own backyard! The C&O Canal Trust will be on hand with family-friendly activities, challenges and tools to help visitors of all ages learn more about the natural, human, and historical resources all around us.
When: Saturday, May 21, 2022 from 10:00am – 2:00pm
Where: C&O Canal NHP – Fletchers Cove
4940 Canal Rd NW, Washington, D.C. 20007

Image by Chris Hannessian

Image by Mariano Guemez Alonso

Image by Trust Staff
How long does trash take to decompose? Challenge yourself to guess correctly! What wildlife is out in the park today? Let our localized scavenger hunts help you find out! Whether you plan to relax here or head off down the towpath, be sure to stop by the C&O Canal Trust’s tables to chat with us and find some exciting new ways to explore your park.
Tour Abner Cloud House!

Abner Cloud House by NPS
The C&O Canal Trust is proud to partner with the Colonial Dames of America, Chapter III, who will be offering free 20-minute tours of the Abner Cloud House as part of National Kids to Parks Day. Groups are limited to 5 people or one household per tour. Sign up for a tour slot below.