Early morning jog at Violettes Lock by Paul Graunke
This year, nearly 20 participants volunteered to join TowpathGO! fundraiser. Together, they raised over $18,000! What caused these individuals to answer the TowpathGO! call?
John Kehne, a Canal Steward with the Trust, was inspired to get involved with TowpathGO! because of his personal relationship with the Park.
“Over 50 years ago, I and a group of fellow Maryland scouts biked in segments the entire length of the towpath, a tremendous adventure that opened our eyes to the beauty and history of the canal and provided us with a multitude of experiences that enriched our lives. Forty years later, I returned to Maryland, my wife and I fortuitously living close to the canal, and for the last decade, the Park has been a welcome refuge for hiking, biking, running, and a place to enjoy nature in all seasons.”
With the help from family and friends cheering him on, John raised over $3,000 dollars for the Park and completed his 50 mile challenge in one day! Read more about John Kehne by checking out his #MyCanalStory here.
Katie Rapp is a long-time visitor to the C&O Canal who enjoys long bike rides on the Towpath and photographing her favorite scenic spots. For many, the Park has been a place of solace for the past year; Katie signed up to be a TowpathGO! fundraiser for this very reason: to pay homage to a place that has given her a welcoming respite.
“I owe my sanity over the past year to my frequent bike rides along the C&O Canal. The beauty, wildlife, solitude, fresh air, and nightly light show over the Potomac keep me coming back.”
Katie Rapp more than completed her biking mileage challenge of 184.5 miles. At the completion of TowpathGO!, Katie rode a total of 379.5 miles on the Towpath and raised a little over $2,000. Read more about why she loves the canal in her #MyCanalStory here.
John Moyer is a long-time visitor and neighbor to the canal. For him, the Park stands a constant historical reminder.
“The C&O canal is the textbook of American history with chapters on Lewis, Clark, Brown, Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and Lee. Visit amazing canal towns like Williamsport, Georgetown, Shepherdstown, Brunswick, Cumberland, Hancock, Oldtown, Point of Rocks, and Harpers Ferry. Engineering wonders include river locks, inclines, culverts, tunnels and dams. ”
At the end of TowpathGO!, John completed his section-hike of the entire length of the C&O Canal from Cumberland to Georgetown. He raised $1,375 for the Trust and continues to match gifts that he receives!
Thank you so much to all of our TowpathGO! fundraisers: Phoebe Barreto, Lisa Belliveau, Jo Belyea-Doerrnan, Justin Cole, Lauren Goebel, Lorna Hainesworth, Susan Jenson, John Kehne, Jacob Matz, John Moyer, Matthew Nau, Ron Piervincenzi, John Mark Power, Katie Rapp, Stephanie Schwinn, Gary Thompson, Greg Wilson, and Ned White!
Thank you also to our TowpathGO! sponsors: Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races, Bavarian Inn, and REI.
We hope to see you all on the trails!