2019 is going to be a very busy year for our Canal Pride program as the Trust works with volunteers from our canal communities to help the Park recover from the floods of 2018 and the effects of the government shutdown. Beginning in March, the Trust will recruit over 1,000 Canal Pride volunteers to undertake projects throughout the year along the 184.5-mile length of the canal: campground and picnic area improvements, towpath and trail repairs, building maintenance and historic preservation, invasive plant and trash removal, native landscaping, and more.
We need local businesses, organizations, and private individuals to help fund equipment and supplies as well as the many organizational expenses associated with managing such a large volunteer program.
For those interested in becoming sponsors, we offer a range of benefits including Canal Pride Days publicity and signage at some of the Park’s most heavily-used areas. Click here if you are interested in becoming a Canal Pride Sponsor. To learn more, please contact Patricia Barber, Director of Development, at [email protected] or 202-271-8244.
Or, you can make a Canal Pride donation here. Just enter ‘Canal Pride’ in the Comments box.